my blog is basicly sounded like this..

this is about my life, my pride, my happy life, my sad moment, my lovely friend, my experience, my matured-childishness time, my super-fantastic memories, my joy of living in this world, my very weakness, my family, and my cutest stuff....buried in this blog so that i can keep it safe and share it with everyone who kindly want to shared it with me...^^

if anyone love to follow my blog, please to do so...^^


Ahad, 19 Disember 2010

Kadangkala aku SUNYI

Hakikatnya mmg cm2....walaupn aku banyak kwn kt skeliling aku, tp aku tetap rse sunyi...orang kate, ati takkan puas kalu sesuatu 2 xtermakbul...mmg btul....stiap kali kalu aku mengharap pada sesuatu., bile aku xdpt mnde 2, aku rse sgt xpuas ati...bile ade rse xpuas ati, aku xtau nk luah kt sape...dan seterusnya fikiran aku jd buntu....bertukar pulak jd's really complicated to subscribe in words....especially in writing form....but if anyone does understand me, than i'll very grateful coz ade gak yg mmahami aku...T.T

Lega sket ati aku bile da luah cmni...hurmmm aku just nk rse kasih syg yg smakin aku xnmpk warnanya...xkisah la dari sesiape pn...mybe just perasaan aku je...but at the same time, meletakkan perkara positif jd negatif itu bukan lah suatu perkara yang di anggap bodoh dan buang mase, tp sesuatu pre-caution utk aku lebih careful dan tidak terlalu mengharap pada sesuatu....aku pn terlalu bergantung pd org yang aku syg, smpai kdg2 merimaskn dorg...aku sedar sume 2...aku perlukn kematangan...aku mmg cube utk jd matang....aku try utk tahan kalu aku rndu sseorg....aku tahan diri utk xcontact die time ngah bz.....but just say HI or spend 2 minutes for replying a msg doesn't mean u'r wasting ur time on it....rite?i really hope that everyone will understand the meaning of word that org lain dpt memahami ape yg aku rse...:(