my blog is basicly sounded like this..

this is about my life, my pride, my happy life, my sad moment, my lovely friend, my experience, my matured-childishness time, my super-fantastic memories, my joy of living in this world, my very weakness, my family, and my cutest stuff....buried in this blog so that i can keep it safe and share it with everyone who kindly want to shared it with me...^^

if anyone love to follow my blog, please to do so...^^


Rabu, 3 November 2010

ESOK....bersedih @ bergembira...???hmmm...


If i'm gonna say i'm happy, of couse i did...with fully my heart...mane x nye, rindu giler kt mak...kt adilah yg ucuk 2...pas2 rndu nk gadoh ngan nekmah...rndu nk bgurau beruk ngan ela...haha...bgurau beruk ek..??mak la slalu kate gitu...aku tiru je...pas2 rndu nk mkn pe yg mak masak...sedap dan lazat serta berkhasiat...hehe....

Td plak gayut jap ngan mak & ela...ela kate die pndai masak spegeti...aku lak bru blaja masak chicken chop (hasil tunjuk ajar mummy Normilah ^.^)...pas2 mak kate da bole bukak restoren kt umah da pasni...hehehe...xsabar la nak lik umah....jumaat ni plak ayah jemput...bestnye..xsabar2...huhuhu...


Emmm...but i'm not gonna say that i'm not unhappy...of cos i'm not happy...hurmmm sbb ape??xyh la dinyatakan di sini...paham2 sude...(emmm...T_T) tp aku lagi unhappy kalu ape yg aku harapkn xbrlaku....hurmmm aku pn xleh salahkan sesape....xleh memakse org utk rndu kt aku...dan xleh sekat kehidupan sesape...

walaupn cuti nnt brjauhan, aku harap hatinya xpernah jauh...(satu je harapan aku...)

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