my blog is basicly sounded like this..
this is about my life, my pride, my happy life, my sad moment, my lovely friend, my experience, my matured-childishness time, my super-fantastic memories, my joy of living in this world, my very weakness, my family, and my cutest stuff....buried in this blog so that i can keep it safe and share it with everyone who kindly want to shared it with me...^^
if anyone love to follow my blog, please to do so...^^
Rabu, 17 November 2010
My Favourite_LOvey DOvey & Precious THINGS..
1) Timmy & Jimmy...(but more to Timmy ucuk)..
2) Tuala tikus warna kuning-hijau-coklat...(a gift from someone...^.^)
3) Henset Sony ericson kaler biru gelap..
4) My dompet kaler pink belang putih dan dompet Hello Kitty kaler pink-putih yg ade ekor tu...(also a gift from someone...)
5) Tali henset kaler purple yg ade corak love...(surprise gift...huhu ^^)
6) My Lappy_Compaq kaler hitam ni...(wlaupn pnuh habuk...aku tetap syg laa~)
7) My mouse_Pinky yg kiut miut ni...(sgt kiut...xcaye tgk la sndiri..)
8) My Externel_FizahGedik 500gb tu...(bnyk brkhidmat wlaupn bru je bli..hehe)
9) My Tabung Botol_CucuPink yg xpnh penuh ngan duit...(tp pnuh ngan mnde bukan2 je)
10) My Kulat...(paling brharga drpd sume2 kt atas ni...xleh diganti dgn segala2 isi lam dunie ni ^^) - yg ni bkn "thing" la...hehe
Catat Ulasan (Atom)
kALau my KulAT TO BUKAN thing..bis pe dia..hahaha
BalasPadammy one that i love...^^